Although it probably seems like I really died and went to heaven, I am still here. I can't believe it has been a while, not that I didn't have anything to blog about, it's just life I guess. We had a very crazy summer but totally enjoyed ourselves.
In the mean time I want to say that life is back to normal for us, is it?
Heather and Kristen are now both in school, Heather in 2nd grade and Kristen in preschool. They both really like their school.
Roger is still holding the fort at Copies Plus and doing a good job at it. I am still working out of our house which it will soon change (I think/hope) and doing everything else there is to do like canning the wonderful bounty that this season has to offer, and assisting and helping at the girls school, and doing what we can at church and loving every minute of it.
God is good, not complaints here ~
Now my friend Laura won't have to tell me that I am at the bottom of her list because I haven't blogged for two months. Thanks Laura, I really needed that extra push!! :)
Anything I can do to help! That is, after all, what I get paid for... "Write, you dogs, Write!!!"
I love the fall colors in your layout. I am going to have to figure out how to do the fancy backgrounds. You are AWESOME!
Well there you are! I was wondering where you went. hehehe
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