Sunday, November 14, 2010

Finding Joy and Contentment

Life around here has always been on the go and I often struggle with the fact that I don't take time to meditate or do a self check on basically life. But God just has a way to make these things happen somehow. This week I was surprised by an emergency Laparoscopic Appendectomy. I have never had any type of surgery before so this was a new road for me. Specially for someone that is always on the go coming to a halt all of a sudden was interesting.

I won't go through all the details but I want to mentioned the "highlights" of this journey. As things were happening fast I remember lying in the hospital bed pretty much thinking, how were they going to get rid of that pain, what was going to be the outcome of all the testing and feeling bad that Kristen had to see me in such pain (until Roger's aunt came and got her). I remember the verse coming to my head, "I will bless the Lord at all times" and as it came to mind I found myself saying it over and over. After the doctor came and told me the diagnosis I am honest to say that I did felt a little fear but was quickly swept away with peace by a verse that Heather and I had been reciting together (for her own sake, I saw in her eyes that she was scared for mom) "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid for the Lord your God is with you..." and then off I went into surgery. Half hour later I was back trying to wake up and remember thinking that I didn't have pain anymore. Believe me, an awesome feeling to have.

The girls have really step up and have been helping around the house, along with my mom and the wonderful friends that have brought very delicious meals. Our dinner table has always been surrounded by the girls chit chat of their days, sometimes more casual than others. This particular time Heather said in her own words: "All things work together for good..." we get to learn/help more around that house and mom's gets to rest. I think she pretty much summed it all up. I have been down and hardly doing any physical things but for some reason this time is different. This might sound weird, but I am actually ok with it, I have actually enjoyed letting people help in what they can, I don't have to be the tough one all the time. Philippians 4:11 has been my motto this week.. I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance..." believe me, it hasn't been just peaches and cream to get to this point, but I think God is doing His work in me... trying to look for the positive and at the same time learning to be content in my circumstances while finding joy at the same time is something I haven't really deeply thought about it before. I trust that I get back on my feet soon but mostly I pray that the lesson's learned during this waiting time stay with me and I can continue growing in the areas where I need it the most.
To have a completely mind set of: "God will get me through this, with His help. He knew I could handled it, and things will be ok..." vs "Why me..? or being sick and tired of it, feeling hopeless and angry.." is only a mind set/attitude that can only come from God with His help.
So, my prayer is that I can continue finding joy and contentment in whatever my circumstance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just today I realized you had made some updates to your blog. I has been a while, but I still enjoyed reading it. I love you sis and pray for you often. You are a wonderful mommy and auntie. I just wish we were closer to experience the auntie part more often. I love you.